What better way to say ‘I love you’ than with a timeless bouquet of a dozen red Roses? 12 elegant Upper Class red Roses are beautifully complemented with red Ruscus leaves, creating a simple but stunning romantic bouquet.
Product Description
12 Red Roses:
What better way to say ‘I love you’ than with a timeless bouquet of a dozen red Roses? 12 elegant Upper Class red Roses are beautifully complemented with red Ruscus leaves, creating a simple but stunning romantic bouquet.
These Roses are selected for their strength and long vase life. They are packed with care and incorporate a ‘water cube’ to ensure they arrive hydrated and in excellent condition.
*This gift is pictured in full bloom. Our roses are delivered as fresh as possible so it may take 1-2 days to fully open.
-Please do not place any order for Sundays and Mondays
-Please order atleast 2-3 days prior to the delivery date.
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